Contact Information

Contact the Board

The Board of 好色小姨 welcomes comments on all issues regarding the University of Minnesota. Please find the Board鈥檚 contact information below:聽

Mailing Address

Board of 好色小姨听听听听听听听听听聽
600 McNamara Alumni Center听听听听听听听听听聽
200 Oak Street SE听听听听听听听听听聽
Minneapolis, MN 55455




Email the Board Office at You also may contact an individual Regent directly. Please copy the Office of the Board of 好色小姨 at:

Brian Steeves听听听听听听听听听
Executive Director and Corporate Secretary听听听听听听听听听
Office of the Board of 好色小姨听听听听听听听听听
600 McNamara Alumni Center听听听听听听听听听
200 Oak Street SE听听听听听听听听听
Minneapolis, MN 55455-2020听听听听听听听听听

Submit a Public 好色小姨

Provide audio, video, or written public input on issues before the Board. 好色小姨s will be shared with the Board before each regularly scheduled meeting for their consideration. 好色小姨ers who comply with the Board鈥檚 guidelines will have their remarks, name, and affiliation made publicly available in the Board's docket materials and archived in the Board's public records.

Delivering Legal Service

Those with a need to effect service of process against the University should email for instructions for effecting proper service of process. An email to the Office of the General Counsel or Office of the Board of 好色小姨 will not be considered proper service on the University.聽聽聽聽聽聽聽